i hope everyone has a happy holiday! i'll end the year with recap posts and be back with regular posting at the beginning of the year. thanks to all of my friends, family, and readers! i have had so much fun with peppermags this year.
i have a weak spot for danish design. i used to work for a furniture company that sold danish furniture and the danes would come over and visit a few times a year. i loved hearing about denmark, their thoughts on american designers and got made fun of by pronouncing arne jacobsen's name "the american way". i found this beautiful interior from bolig magasinet. i don't speak danish but think the home belongs a young artist couple that has a pottery company. see the article and the rest of the photos here.
my husband sent me a photo of this light from his iphone the other day and in the body of the email it simply stated "i want this light! it looks like the deathstar." so, of course, i email the lighting rep, find out what it is and the pricepoint. i wrote back "it's the magdalena from terzani and is $2,500. sorry." ha. we can both dream though...right? i love the way the light reflects a labrynth. it comes in white, tin and gold plated. oh, and i love the red cord too.
this chest of drawers by wrongwoods makes me so happy. it feels like a backdrop from a cartoon from the 70's has come to life! i want one in each color. his and hers? (via moss)
(via) i love polaroids. being married to a photographer makes me appreciate having them around even more. how do you display yours? here are some fun diy display options.love the heart! (via) (via)
A Look Only You Would Understand ashley g is a super talented artist that i discovered on etsy last year. i know most blog readers have probably heard of her, but i wanted to share in case some of my readers had not seen her work before. here are 3 of my favorite ashley g works that i think i need in my house. hint hint For the Birds (LARGE) HELLO September
i've had so much fun finding artists to blog. here are a few that use mixed mediums and interesting materials to create. love! click the links below to take you to the original posts and find out more!
this has got to be one of the coolest offices i have ever seen! the bahnhof office, designed by Albert France-Lanord Architects, is located 30 meters under the granite rocks of the Vita Berg in Stockholm. it makes me think super hero office. batman cave? beautiful. (via mystic hackers)
green design is on the minds of everyone and in the designs of these architects. from treehouses, to shipping containers to houseboats, we have it all below. click on the links to take you to the original posts.
i am sad to say that i do not own a dining table. it is something that i am willing to not have and wait until the right piece comes to me. my husband and i have moved 4 times in 7 years and in each move we purge...a lot. when we moved to the loft we slept on a mattress on the floor for months because we hated our bed and didn't want to take it with us. well, now in the house, we have no dining table because of this same thought process. i do look quite frequently and like to think about what table runner i would like to have on my pretend table. i think one of these three will work! definitely! modern-twist table runner
i spend quite a bit of time finding the right finishes for walls. most of the time, because of budget restraints, i am forced to use paint but, i would love to use any of the following wall finishes instead!
the home/work space for absolute zero degrees is one of my favorite interiors so far. i love the simplicity, colors, furnishings, patterns, and art. i could easily live here and not change a single thing. i already have that bedroom suite!check out the original post at d*s here. these stools are so sweet! isn't this green fun? yum on the chairs too. LOVE the furniture and wallpaper!
look at those fun sconces over the bed and the art is so sweet.
wallpaper! sweet little ceramic pieces too! check out that insane soffit. i love it! more fun wallpaper!