yes, today is my birthday. i turned the big 3-0 today. some people think of turning 30 as a negative thing...getting older...blah blah blah . i think my mom told me she cried for 2 days, but i'm actually excited about it. you know those lists that you make in your head of "what i want to do before i turn 30"? well, i've done a lot to be happy about...
1. i graduated from college. twice! (degree in music and then a degree in interior design)
3. am the mommy of two adorable little boston terriers (pepper and maggie....hence peppermags) 4. bought a house! a badass little house too i might add! 5. discovered wonderful friends along the way
6. landed my dream job with the most wonderful bosses and co-workers. 7. started my own dream's been a wonderful first year on peppermags
oh, and i almost forgot....look what my hubby got me for my birthday...happy birthday to me! jaguar bass! meow!