Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Favorite Part: Adrienne Nolan

My friend Adrienne sent us this great photo of her favorite part of her home.  Adrienne, a librarian and children's literature major has a beautiful sense of what makes this room special.

I love blending classic pieces with distressed, well-loved things. I love color and you should never be afraid of it! I found my coffee table on craigslist and it was ugly, but it had the right dimensions that I was looking for and knew that once it was painted, it would be exactly what I wanted, without shelling out a ton of money. I also think every room should have books. They reveal so much about the people who live in that space. Books are probably my favorite thing in any room.

1 comment:

  1. I love this room. It has so much personality. It looks cozy and comfortable. So many magazines show really nice rooms but you know you'd never be comfortable in any of the chairs. This is a real LIVING room. Thanks for posting this.
