Monday, August 31, 2009
Furniture: Amber in the Sky Bunk Bed

growing up i always thought it would be so cool to have a bunk bed. then, in college i did and loved it. i was a bottom bunker and hung a sheet from the bunk above so it created a little cubby hole fort. pictures taped to the wall and glow in the dark stars finished it all off. i love this amber in the sky bunk bed by perludi. the exterior of the bed is covered in wool (see colors below), which makes the bunk even more interesting. (via kidslovedesign)

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Green Content: Jarst
Artist: Max Dalton

i love the work of max dalton. i was on grain edit one day and saw this grain edit exclusive desktop wallpaper that he did (pictured above) and knew i wanted it on my computer. it's still there today.

i've always wondered how cool it would be to do an album cover design. this one is fantastic, and Satie is one of my favorites!

this one just made me smile.
check out max's website here to see more of his work. also, click here to see the exclusive desktop wallpaper he designed for grain edit.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Accessory: Animal Shadow Wall Decals

how sweet are these animal shadow wall decals by areaware?! i would love to do them in a child's bedroom...heck, in my bedroom. (via velocityartanddesign)
Architecture: 55 Blair Road
this house, in singapore and designed by ong & ong architects ,is amazing. see the front of the house above and then the back of the house below. breathtaking.
i could sit outside by this pool and swim and then read all day.
might be the most perfect bathroom ever.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Interior: PekiPeki
i'm in love with pekipeki by akira aoyama and associates. this is so like something i would design given the chance. modern, stark, and pops of color at the most important feature in the room. so simple and lovely. japanese design get me every time. (via coolboom)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Etsy Lunch Hour: Laura Lombardi Jewelry
24kt Gold Quartz Necklace (small)
i've been on a jewelry kick lately and love finding new artists on etsy! the current featured seller lauralombardijewelry has some amazing amazing finds. here are just a few of my favorites.
Furniture: Also Chair

i love convertible furniture. the also chair can be flipped over and used as a desk. clever. (via cribcandy/thedesignblog)
Friday, August 21, 2009
DIY: Slate Floor and Kitchen Inspiration

so, my husband and i came home the other day and heard a weird sound coming from the kitchen. the hot water pipe that goes to my washing maching decided to crack right before the shut off valve and we had water pouring onto and into my wood floors in the kitchen all day while i was at work. i love my kitchen and you can see the floors befor the incident pictured above. i'm thinking a dark slate to replace the wood (we have multi color slate in the sunroom and bathroom that i love) maybe a chinese black slate? what do you guys think? click here for a step by step instruction on how to install a slate floor in case you are wondering how hard it is to do. below are some ideas and inspirations that i've found. i'd love concrete counters, dark cabinets and new lighting throughout.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Green Content: The Uniform Project

this post was inspired by a friend of mine that runs a vintage tshirt business called 8onrepeat. if you love vintage tshirts check out his site. it's pretty rad and he is having a show this weekend if you live in birmingham. that got me thinking how much i shop at thrift stores and buy my clothes used and how much better that is for the environment. then, i remembered i tagged this link for the uniform project where one girl wears the same dress ever day for one year to raise money for charity. read below to find out details. isn't she lovely with a beautiful sense of style? i love it!
the uniform project was started May 2009, I have pledged to wear one dress for one year as an exercise in sustainable fashion. Here’s how it works: There are 7 identical dresses, one for each day of the week. Every day I will reinvent the dress with layers, accessories and all kinds of accoutrements, the majority of which will be vintage, hand-made, or hand-me-down goodies. Think of it as wearing a daily uniform with enough creative license to make it look like I just crawled out of the Marquis de Sade's boudoir.
The Uniform Project is also a year-long fundraiser for the Akanksha Foundation, a grassroots movement that is revolutionizing education in India. At the end of the year, all contributions will go toward Akanksha’s School Project to fund uniforms and other educational expenses for children living in Indian slums.
Artist: Kid Zoom

i have a thing for graffiti period. i'm even more partial to dark graffiti which made me fall in love with the work of kid zoom. his skulls are beautiful. that house! check out more of his work here. (via cakeheadlovesevil)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Accessory: Swedish Tree and Topdeq closing!

swedish tree
i had to call topdeq this morning about some office signage and found out that they have a 30% final sale going on. they are closing! holy crap, i'm sad to see them go! i picked out a few goodies for you that i think are wonderful...oh, and did i mention 30% off? yes, you must go.
Etsy Lunch Hour: Hemp Table Runner

love this handmade hemp table runner by ambataliafabrics. simple orange stitching on white hemp fabric makes me happy.
Architecture: Modern Retreat

yes! i'll take it! what an amazing structure. floor to ceiling bookshelves and jalousie windows and an amazing corrugated roof shaped like a trapezoid. i want to go here and write for days. (via kyleandkelly)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Finish: Julia Rothman Wallpaper by the yard

i love julia rothman's wallpaper at hygge & west and am so excited she has it available by the yard. i really want to redo the wallpaper on the back wall of my butler's pantry with the nethercote gray. gorgeous!
Inspiration: Livingroom Ideas

one of the convenient things of being married to a photographer is getting beautiful pictures of everyday things...like my home. i wanted a few nice shots while the house was clean and got this one of the living room.
i'm thinking of doing a few things and want my readers advice...make it a little interactive.1. i want to paint the fireplace white
2. add a bookshelf on either side of the fireplace, painted white and full height to the windowsill. i'd like to be able to have plants on top of the bookshelves.
3. add a shelf over the t.v. for a few small etsy pieces. maybe a gocco or small screen print.what do you think? i'm constantly wanting to do more without adding too much. thoughts? ideas? see the plan that i've drawn up to give you a better sense of scale.
Interior: Fugas Lusas

i adore this interior. it is a delicacy shop that is also a cafe. i love the furniture, pattern on the ceiling and the starkness of the space that really makes the products pop. beautiful.
(via archdaily)
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