do you live in a drafty house? i do. while digging around for ways to weatherproof my house i came across this draft stopper on not martha's flickr page. below is a list of materials you will need.
i am smitten with the seastone works by mitsuru koga. the tiny scale, intricate carvings and colors are so delicate and beautiful. (via apartmenttherapy)
this fence has been on my inspiration wall for some time now. i love how intricate and beautiful an otherwise boring chainlink fench can be and am intrigued at the thought of bringing it inside as a dividing screen. this may not be a typical accessory, but how fun is it to use it as one?! (via demakersvan)
i adore this cabin by olson sundberg kundig allen architects. it's 1,000 square feet, has a footprint that is only 20x20 and is 3 stories. the owner can completely shutter the entire structure while they are away. i love the details including a large outswinging window onto the patio and a movable wall on the living/kitchen floor to adjust privacy. (via)
Solistone has some of the most amazing options for glass tile. Folio glass (above and last photo) is new to their line and is made of recycled stained glass. Below is their pillow glass which I am also drooling over. It's so refreshing to see new sizes in glass tile. Large scale glass has got to be a little more painstaking to install but boy is it beautiful!
love love love this interior that remodelista posted yesterday!
From Julie: British-born, Netherlands-based Kate Hume has a way with dark/light interior compositions. We especially like this 17th-century manor house she overhauled to maximize space and light; most of the handcrafted oak furniture is by Birdman, a company she co-founded with her husband, Frans van der Heyden. (via remodelista)
i am really drawn to this diy from design*sponge this week. it is a chandlier made from recycled packing peanuts. how crazy cool is this? mollie dash and her boyfriend bryan are the creators. click here for the full project and instructions via d*s.
matte stephens is one of my very favorite people and artists! his etsy shop is full of fun new works! check out his etsy shop here, his blog here, and his website here.
i love this house in kohoku, japan designed by Torafu. it is made of cast concrete and has amazing interior ceiling lines and skylights. Photographs by Daici Ano. (via dezeen)
i love this folding table designed by Jakob Gebert for the Germany-based Moormann. the legs fold for storage under the top and the assembly is extremely easy by fitting the legs in the"v" grooves in the table top. (via thecoolhunter)