Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Etsy Lunch Hour: RV

When I was a kid, my grandparents would come visit us on their way in between Wisconsin and Florida. The coolest part was not just getting to see my grandparents, but was getting to hang out in their sweet RV. I was fascinated with the thought of traveling in your house! I always invisioned taking a nap in the bed while someone else drove or fixing a sandwhich in the kitchen or playing cards at the table. I know with gas prices being the way they are now, that many people are camping their campers and not traveling out on the open road. What about a hybrid RV or heck an all electric RV? Well, here's to the Etsy artists that love the RV as much as I.

Airstream Polaroid Print 5x7 (Sx-70, Time-Zero) by futurowoman

Ain't She a 'Beaut Print by Toxicguineapigs

California, 1972 by amandajean

AIRSTREAM -Linoleum printed Note Cards, set of 4 by Corrabelle

Classic Airstream RV Trailer Sterling Silver Charm Earrings by CharmStar

1 comment:

  1. I love these items! Thank you so much for including my Polaroid print :) I really appreciate it!
